Xero is one of the most popular business accounting software options available. Having knowledge of and experience with Xero is an excellent benefit for any bookkeeper, accountant, or a small business owner. Getting to grips with Xero doesn’t have to be difficult, but it’s definitely easier when you have a good training course to show you the ropes. If you need guidance and training in bookkeeping with Xero, you need to know how to find a good bookkeeping course that will work for you. But what makes a good Xero bookkeeping course?

The Ability to Learn at Your Own Pace

When you have a busy life, you can’t always learn something new on a set schedule. You have work, family, and other commitments, so having to meet tight deadlines might not work out for you. Additionally, everyone learns differently and some people may need more time to study new information than others. If you’re looking for a Xero bookkeeping course, make sure you can learn at your own pace. You should have the ability to start and finish modules when it suits you, as well as to return to materials you have already looked at so you can go over them again.

Logical Course Progression

A Xero bookkeeping course should have a logical progression, teaching you the right things in the right order. There’s no point in the course teaching you how to do something complicated if you haven’t learned the simple stuff or skipping over a prerequisite skill to teach you something unfamiliar. Topics should be grouped together in a way that makes sense.


Ability to Rewatch and Review

It’s essential that you’re able to go back over any material and revise the things that you have learned. You can often take in a lot on the first watch of a video but that doesn’t mean you’ll learn it all. Being able to rewatch means you can refresh your memory and put your new skills into practice too. Our training gives you 12 months’ access so you can review each video when it suits you.

Clear Explanations and Tips

To learn how to use Xero efficiently, a good instructor is essential. You need a teacher who speaks in clear English without too much jargon, who is easy to understand. The presenter should give you useful tips and tricks that make sense of the software and make it easier to do the things that you need to do. They should teach you methods for using Xero that you can put into use in the real world.

A Good User Interface

You don’t want to have to struggle with technology when learning how to use software. One of the most important things with a Xero bookkeeping course is that you should be able to easily watch the videos that are provided. Playing and pausing the videos should be simple, and rewatching them when you need to should be something that you can do with ease too.

Action Points for Each Session

Watching videos to learn what you need to know is helpful, but it’s also useful to be able to put your new knowledge into practice. After watching a video, it’s helpful to have action points that suggest the steps that you can take to cement your newfound knowledge. After each session with our Xero videos, you will get solid action points that you can use to practice what you’ve learned. Learning by doing is an important part of picking up anything new, especially if you’re someone who is more hands-on.


A Point of Contact for Questions

An online Xero bookkeeping course can teach you a lot but you can sometimes still be left with questions. If you’re unsure about anything or you want to know more, being able to get in touch with someone to ask can be very helpful. When you’re looking for the right course, choose one that offers you the benefit of a point of contact who can help you when you need it. The Bookkeeper Hub can provide further assistance so that you can continue to learn.

You can choose from two packages from The Bookkeeper Hub to learn essential Xero skills. We also offer the option of choosing individual sessions or tailoring the course to your needs. Whether you want to refresh your knowledge or you’re a complete beginner with Xero software, our training will deliver all that you need to know with easily digestible videos. You get access for 12 months so you can return to the material and study it again.